ISP Information Requests: A Workshop for LEAs

Session description:

South Africa has a number of different legislative processes for obtaining subscriber information from ISPs. This workshop is aimed at representatives from law enforcement agencies, as well as ISP staff who may be on the receiving end of such requests. It starts with an overview of the current legal framework, and provides some insights into how best to frame an ISP information request in order to get the best results. The workshop also looks at the process from the point of view of an ISP, and suggests solid processes ISPs can establish to deal with queries from law enforcement agencies.

Target audience:

ISPs, law enforcement staff, ICT lawyers

Presented by:

Dominic Cull - Owner: Ellipsis Regulatory Solutions



Venue: Blue room
Cost: FREE
Date: 8 September, 2015
Start time: 9:00
Maximum: 50 Attendees