Natasha Haslam - Dealmaker at the Industrial Development Corporation in the ICT Unit

Natasha has qualifications in electrical engineering and corporate finance, giving her unique insights into the high tech industry, its challenges, its possibilities, and how the banking sector can make great things happen. She is an analyst and account manager at South Africa’s leading development bank, the Industrial Development Corporation. She has a passionate commitment to building South Africa’s technology industry, and is a key team member in the IDC’s ICT Unit that has a mandate to increasing broadband penetration and reduce its costs to businesses and consumers. Natasha is responsible for evaluating finance applications received by the organisation, and performing due diligence studies on transactions, as well as investigating new projects in the broadband space that would further the IDC’s aims.

Natasha has a degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Cape Town, has completed the Chartered Financial Analyst programme, and has worked for a number of international telecoms companies, including Cable London, Worldcom and Telkom SA before moving into banking.

Previously spoke at:

iWeek 2016

iWeek 2014

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