Andile Tlhoaele is an owner and manager of number of business since 2002 operating in IT, Telecoms, electronic instrumentation, applications development, online community collaboration, BEE consulting, PR & Design Marketing. Professionally, Andile is a specialist in BEE implementation. He is currently the deputy chairperson of the inaugural B-BBEE ICT Sector Council appointed by Cabinet in September 2015 and a former member of the inaugural Presidential BEE Advisory Council’s Subcommittee on Instruments to Promote BEE, Verification and Charters. Andile served as chairperson of the association of BEE verification agencies (ABVA),the industry body for BEE professionals now called the association of BEE professionals (ABP) and former deputy chairperson of MICT SETA. Andile completed the BEE Management Development Programme with Unisa, Harvard Business School’s Key Executive Programme and Leading Your Small Business Through Its Life Cycle in Boston, Massachusetts US. He holds an S3 national diploma in electrical engineering from the University of Johannesburg where he lectures BEE And Your Business at the Centre of Small Business Development (CSBD) Soweto campus part time. Andile is a member of the Institute of Directors of Southern Africa (IoDSA) since 2010.